Saturday, March 3, 2018

My Beloved Brother

               MY BELOVED BROTHER
Your chariot of hapiness awaits, my brother dear.
Although there’s so much that you’ve left bare ,
I want to know what crossed your mind,
Unspoken words you’ve left behind,
Un done things we’ll never do,
No sharing of thoughts you never knew.

I can shed tears that you are gone,
Or I can smile because you lived,
I can close my eyes and pray that you'll come back,
Or I can open my eyes and see all that you've left.
Its sad that you left without saying goodbye,
Just remember we all love you as you began to fly.

A peace has fallen upon your head,
A taste of sorrow we have been fed,
It really is like a hole in our lives,
One swiftly dug but carved out by knives.
Our hearts are damaged, and scarred severely.
We shall miss you, much more than dearly.

For today you started in this world to live
and today you are on your chariot to leave
Today is a celebration of a happy birthday
And today is a coronation of a happy depart day
Your arrival, to mum brough physical pain,
Your departure to us, has brought emotional pain.

Having you in our lives, we’ve all been blessed.
But now the time has arrived, for you to rest.
So… sleep on my brother, sleep tight,
For now with you the sky is night.
But after night will come daybreak
Therefore I will wait hoping to see you awake.

This poem is dedicated to Job, The elder brother to my very special friend and confidant, Sella who passed on and has been  laid to rest today 3/3/2018. Keep shining on Job.